Hi guys, Silver here. My mom is making me study for the C.R.C.T, and it was super boring. I'm supposed to be doing some online tests right now, but since when have I done what I was supposed to do? That's right, never. I have such great motivation, don't I?  A lot has been going on recently in my life, and all I have to say is: Thank God it's Spring Break.
    I have a dance performance on the 9th of April, and my dance teacher has been making us go to class early in the morning, and we have to continue doing that until the day of the performance. Needless to say, I'm really sore from the amount of dancing we've been doing.
    We decided the costumes for our dance, and I might be able to draw it and post it on the paper dolls page if you want. I fell really bad about not being able to scan stuff in, but my scanner is broken and my dad won't get a new one, so I'm forced to use the one at school. I would have scanned some artwork in before spring break, but the school scanner wasn't working either.
    On top of that, I've been writing a couple of fanfictions, and I haven't updated in a while now, which makes me feel really guilty. I try to type out the chapters, but I end up with a really bad case of writer's block. Speaking of fanfictions, you guys should really check out the one that Lily wrote; it's really good. I'll put up a link to my fanfiction account as well, and I would like for you to check out, because I would really appreciate the reviews.
- Adios!

    Hi everyone, it's Lily! I'm back from Florida, Panama City Beach, which is where I went for my vacation. I couldn't post then, but I hope you saw my Twitter messages. I went to Laguna and Destin Beach, and had a lot of fun. At Destin, the waves washed up a ton of shells, and I picked some up and put them in a bucket. Later, tentacles started coming out of each one of them. It was kind of cool. My sister kept dropping her flip-flops into the water and I had to wade in and get them.
    I wrote a fanfiction, and it's on FanFiction.net. Please read it and review it! I'll put a link to my FanFiction.net account out to the side, so check it out.
    I also have another little poem I wrote, and I'll put it up on the short stories page in a while. I am almost done with Kate's doll, I promise. I'm just having a little trouble, but I am working on it. That's all I have to say right now.. so bye.
Hey everyone, it's Fluffy here! I saw the answers from the poll and I agree with everyone, I think I should be in the website more often. Since it's Spring Break, I'll probably post everyday. Also, chapter 2 of the story that I started off with. If you haven't read, check it out and tell me how it is. Also, I'm drawing some dolls and it will a spring theme! Obviously because it is spring break. It's going to be hard because my mom keeps nagging me about doing my CRCT practice. I'm just glad that all of this will be over and school will end soon. I'm having a lot of fun, though. My next door neighbor comes outside to play and usually calls me over. He just loves to play badminton. Also, I'm ecstatic because INDIA WON THE WORLD CUP OF 2011 for CRICKET!!! Anyway, I have to go back and work on that story, finish the dolls, and do my CRCT practice.
See you later peeps,
    Hey everyone, it's Lily again. I'm going to the beach for a couple of days, so I probably won't be able to post. However, I can tweet, so be sure to check our Twitter account and the sidebar for updates from me. I'll take pictures for you guys! I can't blog because my iPod doesn't have Flash Player, which Weebly requires. I'm finishing Kate's doll, which will be up soon!
    Hey, it's Lily. There are so many gullible people in my life. Like Fluffy. She fell for the "gullible's written on the ceiling" and "gullible's not in the dictionary" tricks. You know, I learned the word gullible in first grade. I was in GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) and they were teaching us SAT words. They had this little routine to help us learn them. First, they'd teach us how to say it, then the meaning, then make up a little story to help us remember. For gullible the story was- There was a bull named Gully. His friends would play tricks on him and he would always believe them. Lol. Yesterday I fooled eight people with the same joke. I told them I got detention for stabbing someone with a safety pin. All but one believed me. (Ice Cream.) I got so much practice that I could say it with a perfectly straight face and let it carry on for ten minutes. So funny! You know, I've decided that I'm going to stop drawing paper dolls. I feel overwhelmed all the time, and I just can't take the pressure anymore. It's taking over my life. I'm sorry.

Hey, Silver here!
Sorry we haven't updated in a while guys. We were all so stressed out with the amount of work our teachers have been giving us and the class trip to Savannah, Georgia didn't help the stress levels go down at all.
Don't get me wrong, I love the city of Savannah. It is such an awesome place, and I would totally recommend the city for vacations. We went to River Street, the beach, Fort Jackson and also went on a tour of the city.
It was amazing to say the least, and I'll try to get a link to the pictures up for you guys; the ones without us in them anyways.

I thought about my story, and decided that I needed to edit it, so I just finished putting the 'Character Details' post up on the short stories page, so please check it out!

As for my life right now, I'm supposed to read Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell for my Language Arts outside reading assignment, and that book is huge! It has 1,448 pages; as I said before, huge!

Be on the lookout for more updates from Lily and Ice Cream, and maybe even a post from Fluffy. After all, it is Spring Break!

How's life for you guys? (Feel free to email us with the answer).

- Hasta la Vista