Hi everyone it's Lily. This is kinda rushed cause I gotta go now. More later.
Edit- This is a doll I drew a long time ago, before we started this website. I scanned it in, then cut it out and gave it to my little sister, and mysteriously the leg tore off.  I was very discouraged after that, and just left it. But if you want, I could draw more clothes for her.
Click for bigger image, then click on bigger image for even bigger image!
1/26/2011 02:50:18 am

Hi!!!!!! I just found your blog on Liana's Paper Doll Blog! I like your website! Its really cool! And in case your wondering...I DO like the dolls! No...I changed my mind...I LOVE them!!!

1/27/2011 09:50:11 am

Wow Abigail, thanks so much! It makes up so happy when people comment. Keep checking, thanks for looking at our site!


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