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I finally colored this doll- here it is. I spent just about the whole day trying to get the tabs onto another layer and figuring out Photoshop. I also figured out how to link the dolls to PDFs, which is what I did with this one. It'll be much easier to print them now. Enjoy! I also asked RLC, who runs the paper doll blog Paper Thin Personas how to color things on the computer, and she told me how, so I'll be doing that soon. I'll also try to make a dress up game with this doll. The rest of the moonstones are coming over tomorrow, so look forward to some special stuff!

    Hi everyone, it's.... guess who. Here's me trying to draw something cute. It is, as you may have read, supposed to be a baby. A baby with an overly large head and much too long hair with different blankets. NOT an oval for a body, Silver! So, I may color this later, and post that. Silver drew one of the blankets- can you guess which one? Hope you like it! If you don't give it to a little girl. Maybe she will.
Click on Ree for a larger image, than click on the larger image for an even larger one!