Hi, this is Lily. School has started, as you may have noticed from Silver and Ice Cream's posts. So... yeah, Silver and I have to present a group project. Our board is PINK! So girly! I wanted blue, and I told Ice Cream that, and she told Silver to get pink. Still not over that. But our board still looks better than anyone else's. It would have been even better blue. Note to Ice Cream- do NOT use our website as a chat page! All you have to do is EMAIL Silver! (I'm not using it as a chat page. I'm just embarassing Ice Cream.) Notice how this post is mostly blue. It's to spite Ice Cream. Yeah. I barely have any homework yet, since our project is over. That thing was enormous. I'm so glad we're done with that. Okay, that's all. Bye!
1/7/2011 05:19:51 am

Hi Lily! Even though, your board is pink, it will still have good suff on it! Good luck to you, Ice Cream, and Silver. Is Fluffy doing this,too??


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