Who doesn't love this movie, am I right?  This is my favorite disney song, my second favorite is probably "I just can't wait to be king" from Lion King. I love both those movies.  I think Jasmine and Mulan are the coolest princesses because they aren't the girls who are dreaming and waiting for their dream prince to come.  Anyways, here is "A Whole New World".
~Ice Cream Out!
5/19/2011 03:36:35 am

Haha this was always my favorite too! Probably because of her tiger. (I'm a cat person.) After I'd seen it when I was small, I asked for a tiger that Christmas. Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha.................................................................ha. Wow that was really random. .Have you seen the TV show ADVENTURE TIME, or THE REGULAR SHOW? They come on Cartoon Network and are the WEIRDEST, FREAKIEST most DISTURBING shows ever. And they're supposed to be for kids. . .Wow.


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